
Apr 7, 2017 12:32
Today I would like to talk about the Japanese verb "suppokasu."

"Suppokasu" means to break an appointment or leave a work that you should do.

Usage example: Date no yakusoku wo suppokasareta. (I was stood up/My date didn't show up.)

The literal meaning of "su" of "suppokasu" is natural, real, or original, and it has a role to strengthen its following words.

"Pokasu" of "suppokasu" comes from "hokasu," which means "to leave something" or "to discard something."

According to my dictionary, "suppokasu" can be translated into "stand someone up" or "blow the appointment with someone."

Please don't do "suppokashi" ("suppokashi" is the noun form of "suppokasu.")






私の辞書によると、「すっぽかす」は英語で "stand someone up" や "blow the appointment with someone" と言うようです。

No. 1 MaJoMoMc's correction
  • Today I would like to talk about the Japanese verb "suppokasu."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Suppokasu" means to break an appointment or leave a work that you should do.
  • "Suppokasu" means to break an appointment or leave neglect a work job that you should do.
  • Usage example: Date no yakusoku wo suppokasareta.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (I was stood up/My date didn't show up.)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The literal meaning of "su" of "suppokasu" is natural, real, or original, and it has a role to strengthen its following words.
  • The literal meaning of the "su" of in "suppokasu" is natural, real, or original, and it's has a role function is to strengthen its the words that following it words.
  • "Pokasu" of "suppokasu" comes from "hokasu," which means "to leave something" or "to discard something."
  • The "pokasu" of "suppokasu" comes from "hokasu," which means "to leave something" or "to discard something."
  • According to my dictionary, "suppokasu" can be translated into "stand someone up" or "blow the appointment with someone."
  • According to my dictionary, "suppokasu" can be translated into "stand someone up" or "blow off the an appointment with someone."
  • Please don't do "suppokashi" ("suppokashi" is the noun form of "suppokasu.")
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
You're welcome. I will remember すっぽかす ^^
No. 2 Bori's correction
  • Today I would like to talk about the Japanese verb "suppokasu."
  • Today, I would like to talk about the Japanese verb "suppokasu."
  • "Suppokasu" means to break an appointment or leave a work that you should do.
  • "Suppokasu" means to break an appointment or skip out on work that you are supposed do.
  • Usage example: Date no yakusoku wo suppokasareta.
  • Usage example: Date no yakusoku wo suppokasareta.
     なんか覚えやすいですよ、英語のsupposed toに近いしね。
  • (I was stood up/My date didn't show up.)
  • (I was stood up/My date didn't show up.)
  • The literal meaning of "su" of "suppokasu" is natural, real, or original, and it has a role to strengthen its following words.
  • The literal meaning of the "su" of "suppokasu" is natural, real, or original, and it strengthens the following characters.
  • "Pokasu" of "suppokasu" comes from "hokasu," which means "to leave something" or "to discard something."
  • The "Pokasu" of "suppokasu" comes from "hokasu," which means "to leave something" or "to discard something."
  • According to my dictionary, "suppokasu" can be translated into "stand someone up" or "blow the appointment with someone."
  • According to my dictionary, "suppokasu" can be translated into "stand someone up" or "blow the appointment with someone."
  • Please don't do "suppokashi" ("suppokashi" is the noun form of "suppokasu.")
  • Please don't do "suppokashi" ("suppokashi" is the noun form of "suppokasu.")
Thank you so much for the corrections!
My pleasure. 完璧でしたか!今度友達に使ってみたいと思います。
No. 3 クライド's correction
  • Today I would like to talk about the Japanese verb "suppokasu."
  • Today, I'd like to talk about the Japanese verb "suppokasu."
     This is another option! :D
Great post, kanotown! Your English is amazing! :D
Thank you so much for your correction!
I'm glad to hear you say that (^^)